In the highly competitive world of online business, the most important element to your success is to get as many visitors as possible to your website. Driving traffic to your site is the only way your business will survive. A high search engine ranking is what your site needs, but can be difficult to achieve.
Luckily, there are a lot of different strategies you can employ to get more traffic to your site. From paid advertising to recruiting affiliate marketers to bring in traffic, there are a lot of possibilities. Most of these methods require payment; but there are ways to drive traffic without spending a dime. One of the best ways to increase traffic is by writing articles. How can writing articles improve your web based business? Read on for seven ways to increase your business by writing articles.
1.Reach more people
If you write good articles, you should share them with the world. You can put your articles on your site and submit them to directories for publication in newsletters, ezines and other websites. This gives you more exposure for your articles and can bring in more traffic for your site – you can include a link to your site in the resource box. You can drive a lot of traffic by having your articles out there. People turn to the web for information and if you can provide it to them, they will likely want to visit your site.
2.Free Advertising
Getting your articles onto other sites gives you free exposure for your website. While you should avoid using your articles to make a pitch, You should always make a point of including a link to your site in the resource box. By writing informative and entertaining articles, you are building a good reputation for your site, which is far more effective than conventional advertising in many cases. Articles give you a valuable opportunity to pre-sell your wares to prospective customers.
3.Gain High Search Engine Rankings
Make a new page on your website for your articles. You should include keywords in your article so they will be search engine optimized. Once your new content has been uploaded, it will soon be indexed by the search engines, boosting your search engine ranking. Keep in mind that producing SEO content is the key to success in online business.
4.Increases Link Popularity
Rather than trying to build reciprocal links, just submit your articles to other sites; one way links are more important for establishing link popularity. Make your articles as high quality as you can to make sure it is as widely published as possible.
5.Optimizes your site for improved search engine ranking
Making sure that your website is full of the right keywords can go a long way towards increasing your site’s search engine ranking. Keyword density is very important to your search engine ranking, so make sure to work keywords into content which is informative, well written and useful to your target market.
6.Establishes a Good Impression and Reputation
Interesting and relevant articles will help gain exposure for your website and establish you as a credible source of information. This will both encourage more visitors to your site and make people more likely to make purchases based on your recommendations.
7.Enhances your credibility through references and testimonies
When you publish your articles in newsletters, ezines and other websites, they will get feedback and testimonials. Use the positive feedback as a promotional tool for your website and in your advertising campaigns. These testimonials are great for building your reputation and will make a good impression on prospective customers. If you can write useful, relevant and original content, you are sure to grow your business and create a large base of loyal customers.
November 10, 2008Article marketing was the 1st SEO method I used when I began my internet business. I felt then and still do now, it is the most efficient way to gain credibility and back links.
TeasasTipss last blog post..Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic
Sue Baker
November 10, 2008Hi Reed
Great tips – as always!
I don’t write as many articles as I should do, as time doesn’t always permit.
I’m learning more and more about SEO and using keywords so am constantly making improvements to each article.
I always submit to Ezine Articles as the best directory, GoArticles and of course, my own site.
It’s not the quickest way to make money but the articles are there for years on end so that OK.
Sue Bakers last blog post..Easy Weight Loss – 5 Tips For Eating Less Without Starving
Graham Price
November 10, 2008Great information once again Reed thankyou and the timing is spot on as I am just at the stage now of having some new websites up online that need that traffic generation. Kindest Regards – Graham Price.
Matthew Internet Marketing Marr
November 10, 2008Reed,
Thanks for the great Article Marketing tips. I have found Article Marketing to be one of the best methods of generating traffic, and backlinks to you Website.
November 10, 2008I only wish I would have realized the benefits of article writing myself long ago and just made the time for it. I am now making a point to discipline myself to start article marketing after getting to know and doing an interview with one of the top Expert Authors at who generates most of his traffic and from articles.
Mohamed Akram
November 10, 2008It Is The Only Way In My Mind For Links
Article Marketing and Video Marketing Also is soo good
November 10, 2008Hi Reed,
Great post. Article marketing has to be the most effective way to drive targeted traffic next to PPC.
It’s a great way of establishing rapport and build credibility at the same time.
John Counsel
November 10, 2008The general consensus amongst article directory owners I know is that the “magic” number of articles is around 100.
Once you hit that mark, you begin to see a steady stream of traffic to your site and steady sales because of your perceived status as an authority figure.
Of course, QUALITY articles are the key — not just scraped copy from other sites, automated article writing apps, etc.
John Counsel
CEO, The Profit Clinic
Bryan Hee
November 10, 2008PLR articles is the best resources for you to become an “expert” in your niche market. “Rewrite” the PLR articles at least 70% to avoid the “duplicate” content.
To Your Success
Bryan Hee
Wayne Bell
November 10, 2008Article marketing was and still is the best way to drive traffic to any website. Great post Reed.
Regards – Wayne
Health, Happiness And Success
Wayne & Susan Bell
“Searching The World To Bring You The Best Online”
Luca - Reach Success Online
November 10, 2008Article Marketing is free and a great way to get backlincks but it does take time. It’s something that should be worked on in a consistent basis to see results.
Bruno Auger
November 10, 2008I use article marketing for a lot of things. Not only can you submit them to artice directories but you can use them for blog post, hubpages and even a squidoo lens.
These all help you build quality back links to you site
Timothy Millar
November 11, 2008Hey Reed, Article marketing is great and easy,
if you can post on a blog you can do Article
Marketing. Open a blog and use it to practice
and learn, After a little seasoning,you’ll be
just fine. Always refer to whats working already
to model your campaign.Nice post Reed, have a wonderful Day,Tim
Timothy Millars last blog post..Yanik Silver’s Maverick business Insider
Jorge EZ Affiliate
November 11, 2008Great post Reed.
It is a shame some people don’t want to spend the time writing articles or pay to outsource them.
I personally do both.
Jorge EZ Affiliates last blog post..The BEST Affiliate Programs to Make Extra Money Online with a Website
Jussi Koiranen
November 11, 2008Excellent list to remember!
Christine Imamshah
November 11, 2008Everyone knows that content is critical in getting traffic to your website. The beauty of writing an article, especially if you also have a blog, is that each article equals 2 pieces of content as you 1. Post it to your blog and 2. Submit it to article directories.
Article marketing is definitely something every internet marketer needs to do to drive traffic.
Ari Lestariono
November 11, 2008Writing article by all means can get backlinks and search engine improved, need a little time, with persistency and consistence all you do will benefit your site and indexed naturally.Once you got backlinks around 1000, it will bring visitor to your site on average amount.So the challenge is improving writing article and do SEO in order indexing the site on deep rooted.I wish all the luck for everyone out there who is doing internet marketing
Ari Lestarionos last blog post..Oprah Disclose Fruit & Veggie as Natural Remedies
November 11, 2008Thanks for the tips.. article writing has many techniques and provides a great resource for any internet marketer. I just launched a 30-day article series.. once Day 1 posts, you will be able to follow the series in the article box here
Vickis last blog post..Natural Pain Relief Can Give Fantastic Results
November 11, 2008Hey Reed,
I have read this. It is a good article and
very much helpful to start article writing.
Nancy Hults
November 11, 2008Thanks Reed,
This just reminds me that I need to get on the ball and write some articles.
I know how important they can be for driving traffic and the fact that it cost you no money to submit is a no brainer.
I have a question, When you write an article and also use it as a blog post, do you need to change it up a bit?
Nancy Hultss last blog post..Listbuilding Secrets With Tellman Knudson
November 11, 2008Hi Reed,
I’ve always been supportive of article marketing as it is a Do-It-One-Time-Get-Paid-Forever kind of traffic. To value add your post, the criteria of good articles would contain…
1. Killer Title
2. Great Content
3. Call to action with a bait
Ashers last blog post..Work at Home: Not Knowing This Extremely Basic Rule Can Kill Your Home Business
Geoff Dodd
November 11, 2008Just how do you maintain ‘uniqueness’ when submitting articles all over the web? I also like to make a hub page out of an article, then heavily link to that hub.
Geoff Dodd
PV Reymond
November 11, 2008Hi Reed,
Article Marketing has been always around and will be always around while other methods come and then disappear.
This is a great way to get traffic.
^PV Reymond
PV Reymonds last blog post..Tracking Your Traffic Sources
November 12, 2008Good Post. Great comments. They really hit the mark. I will have to do the same to get back links and increse traffic.
Geoff Dodd
November 12, 2008It is agreed then that posting articles is a highly effective method of generating traffic to an affiliate offer. Does it matter though that the same article is being used by many webmasters without being ‘spun’ into a unique form? If you submit it to an article directory, you lose control over ‘uniqueness’ and duplicate filters cut in. Geoff D.
Frankie Teo
November 15, 2008Reed, it’s no brainer that if you have a website, traffic is very important or nobody is going to see it. Offer visitors by writting articles with valuable contents.
Thanks for sharing on the various ways to increase your business by writing articles.
November 17, 2008@TeasesTips yeah it has a lot of advantages
@Sue you can always outsource too. I outsource most of my articles.
@Graham, @Matthew you’re welcome
@Lori who did you interview?
@Mohamed yes video marketing can do really well too
@Fernando it’s one of my favorites
@John interesting yeah I could see that having a major effect
@Bryan PLR is a great secret weapon
@Wayne thanks
@Luca agreed the key here is consistency
@Bruno yeah I like that about them as well
@Timothy thanks
@Jorge yeah there really isn’t any excuse for not having articles
@Jussi thanks
@Chris yes it’s very useful thanks
@Ari yeah I can see that once you have enough backlinks stuff would snowball
@Vicki, @subroto you’re welcome
@Nancy you could change it up some but I don’t think you’d have to
@Asher great tips
@Geoff you could rewrite them but it seems that it’s not that big of a deal if it’s not unique everywhere.
@PV agreed as long as people can read article marketing will continue to work
@normz2 thanks
@Geoff You’d want to use unique articles for those that you submit to major article directories
@Frankie you’re welcome
November 29, 2008Sure Article marketing is a good way to get quality traffic to one’s site, and it helps one build credibility as more and more people gets interested in reading from you.
delordss last blog post..What types of Affiliate Programs To Join
November 30, 2008@delords that it does
websites for kids virtual worlds
April 14, 2009Great tips as usual. Article marketing is definitely effective in driving traffic to your website. I’m learning more about SEO each day, thanks Reed.
Archtop Acoustic Guitars
May 26, 2010Terrific function! This is the kind of information that ought to be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!
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