Today is DEADLINE DAY for 7-Figure Franchise (FAQ inside)

A few questions have come in
regarding 7-Figure Franchise
that I wanted to share with you.

So let’s dive in;

Q. Do I really get $1000 high ticket
payments paid to my PayPal account with this?


Every time one of the leads
you send buys a “back end”
sale you get paid $1000 and
don’t have to deliver anything
or lift a finger.

Q. Is Cheney really paying me
all the money on all his products
in all 9 of his funnels?


You get 100% of the money paid
instantly and directly to your
PayPal account on ALL sales of
all his products, upsells, downsells
and recurrings as a 7-Figure Franchisee.

Q. Can I start making money
with this quickly and easily?


This is how he’s designed it;

Everything is done you.

You just drop a teensie bit
of traffic in and watch
the money come into your
PayPal account.

Q. Does Michael follow-up with
all the traffic I send to get
more sales?


They opt in to a mailing
list and Michael emails them
over a period of weeks
with YOUR special link
for all his various products;

Whenever they buy you get paid.

It’s over 200 emails
so you’re going to make
a LOT of money from
every lead.

Q. Can I build my own list
with the 7-Figure Franchise?


If you want to you can create
your own squeeze page and
grow a list that way then
send them into the 7-Figure
funnels to make 100% of the
money on everything.

But you don’t have to do this
if you don’t want because Michael
and his team has built all
this for you.


Enough chittle-chattle.

Grab your 7-Figure Franchise now;

(Grab this now because the
offer ENDS at Midnight EST
today – Sunday)


Reed Floren

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