Target a specific audience with LinkedIn advertising

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for B2B marketers to reach their targeted audience by creating highly targeted campaigns with the use of demographic data. LinkedIn advertising provides B2B marketers with a more effective and convenient, rich set of audience targeting options, because it facilitates professional connections rather than personal interests and likes, such as Facebook.

Here are some of LinkedIn’s audience targeting options and how marketers can use them to reach the right audience.


This targeting method enables B2B marketers to target an audience according to geographic areas, countries, states or provinces. It can be very helpful if you want to sell your products or services to individuals in certain areas.


You have the ability to target your audience based on the company for which they work for or have worked. Also, you can select companies by their size. If your ad campaign wants to reach small business, you can easily exclude companies that are too big for your campaign.

Job Title:

This targeting option provides you three options to choose from: function, seniority and title.

  • Target people based on their job function such as administrative, marketing department, information technology or sales. This way your ads will be displayed only to the people who are in the job function you select.
  • By targeting according to seniority, marketers can reach people who are a director, Vice president, owner and more.
  • Targeting by job title allows you to target individuals based on their specific job titles, such as patent attorney, Sr. laboratory technician, registered nurse and more.


Target individuals according to the skills they provide on their LinkedIn profile. This targeting options offers a list of related and more specific skills, just like job title and group targeting methods. You can combine the skill targeting method with the job title or job function option to create a highly targeted ad campaign.


Group targeting is the best method to expose people’s interests and skills or efficiencies. It enables marketers to find and target large audiences and smaller niche audiences. Targeting by group helps marketers reach individuals who may be interested in your offerings.


The industry targeting method allows marketers to target their audience based on their industry, such as agriculture, Banking, education, biotechnology, arts, construction, government or more. You can select up to 10 industries, but if you want to select more industries, it would be better to create separate campaigns.

Apart from these above items, there are many more targeting options like gender, age, school, demographic, company size, that marketers can use to target the right audience for their products or services.


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