Steps to create a viral marketing campaign

viralmarketing4Every marketer has an aim to create a marketing campaign that “goes viral,” and viral marketing helps present your marketing message in such a way that it excites your target audience enough to take it and share it with other people in their network.

Today businesses prefer word of mouth marketing, and viral marketing forms a part of that. Many businesses whether small or large, build goodwill and increase referrals through viral or buzz marketing.

If you are attempting to create a viral marketing campaign, here are some useful steps that will give your campaign the best shot.

Make it visual

It’s a fact that visual elements are capable of grabbing people’s attention more than simple text. If your marketing message is in text format, find a compelling image, or create a compelling video, to go along with it. Make sure the visual you choose matches your brand. Don’t create a video or add an image that compromises your brand in any way.

Try to add visuals that are viral-worthy. Make your visuals humorous, informative or surprising to increase the chances of your visuals being shared.

Plan the message

While building a viral marketing campaign, you have to carefully plan your message. Make sure your message is meaningful and clear. You should be careful while creating the script for your video or planning for your infographic, so that your final message is clearly received by your visitors.

Then, track your campaign. If it goes viral like you are hoping, you’ll be able to share your message with more people.

Know your audience

While creating a viral marketing campaign, make sure you know the triggers that affect your audience. Like what is it that people want from you?  Are people expecting super secret information? Are they looking to be entertained?  Consider these triggers and use them in your content for an effective and successful campaign.

Keep the campaign simple

Your viral marketing campaign should be simple and straight forward. Avoid overly complicated or too many coded messages, or people are going to pass it on. Just go with two or three ultimate marketing messages, and nothing more, in your campaign. For example a short video, a simple infographic or a concise article.  These are the most likely things that go viral.

Launch the campaign

After successfully planning your viral marketing campaign, it’s now time to launch it correctly to see it go viral. For this, you need to begin with knowing your audience. You need to know when they are most likely to be visiting social media sites. Just find the best time to launch your campaign, share it on your social marketing sites and encourage your followers to share it further.

These are some essential recommendations that you can use to maximize the chances of having your campaign go viral. Just do the best you can do, and hopefully success will follow.


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