Roundtable Q and A

E.B.R. – founder of JVZoo

Ben Littlefield – marketing online since 98 or 99 eBay business. Software.

Brian Anderson – software and local marketing since 94. Started making training programs in 2008.

Colin Theriot – Cult leader/copyrighter

Omar Martin – Higherlevel strategies in 2008. Launch products that help online marketers

Anthony Aires – Been an entrepreneur for 22 years internet for 15 years. Helping internet entrepreneurs. Stay focused on one thing and deal with the obstacles

Chris Record – Joined JVZoo in 2014 started launching in 2015 has sold over $3 million via JVZoo

John S. Rhodes – been marketing online for 10+ years. Product launches and webinars

Lynn Terry – started in 97, started offline and now is a super affiliate and blogger. and

Sean Donahoe – entrepreneur, investor, speaker, used to work in corporate space, started helping small medium and fortune 500 businesses

Delilah Taylor – JV manager, product creator but prefers recruiting affiliates

Brad Gosse – was #1 on google for porn for 18 months. Author of the chronic marketer

Todd Gross – 10 years of video and audio marketing, list building

Ron Douglas – 15 years New York Times best selling author 1.5 million copies list building expert. Cookbooks

Sam England – serial entrepreneur, ecommerce, warrior events, launches

How to get started?

If you are overwhelmed outsource. The first place to start is at the back what do I want to build what do I want my business to be like years from now. Have a plan. Build with strategy. Think of it like a business person. What is the business model. Define that first create a plan, create a timeline, then get the tools and implement. Find out who your customer is and deliver what they want

How do you get software created when you don’t program?

You don’t need to be a programmer or designer nowadays because there are lots of software programs out there that do it for you. There is also a huge marketplace for creating software. Place jobs on upwork then reach out and invite the top people to bid on your job. Get them on skype and interview them. Rename the skype contact Graphic Designer – Name or Programmer – Name you can also get people who will work on a percentage of sales.

How do you reach out to people in a personal way and build strong affiliate relationships?

This whole business is about relationships. Give before you ask. Make testimonial videos for all the people you promote and JV testimonials so they can recruit people. If you see someone who’s bonus is great you can promote them you’ll lose out on sales but build good relationships. Come to events and hang out.

When you are in the internet marketing business do you have to teach internet marketing to make money online?

If you sell marketing to other businesses you are seen as more of an expert vs selling to internet marketers. Can make a lot more money applying them or building software and tools for actual business owners. There is a lot of gold explaining this to normal businesses. You are already an internet expert compared to a dentist, lawyer, car dealership etc. The greatest opportunity is what you aren’t thinking about. Actual physical client can provide a lot of monthly income. The easiest opportunity is to take your online marketing experience and sell it to other businesses.

What is the importance of properly structuring an email?

Positioning yourself as an expert. Don’t be cold an impersonal write one to one. It needs to look like it was written to just them an email inbox is personal. Every single email you send is promoting something even if you are giving them content. The only reason you send them an email is to get them to take action even if it is to just go to a video or comment on a blog post. Hint what the next email is in your email so they want to stay on your list and see what’s coming out next.

What’s it like working with and partnering with experts?

You have to know what you are great at and focus on that one thing. Outsource all the rest. Look for those who compliment your strengths. You can also find people who strengthen your strengths and outsource the rest. Figure out what you need go after and get it and then everything else gets easier. Single minded focus in the past, present and future. If you know what you want you will get it. If you don’ you won’t. Take photos with the experts and create blog posts about them and their products. Create business cards related to the event “I help millionaire’s make more money” for a millionaire event. “I write awesome copy”

How does sticking to one niche make you more money?

Todd is #1 or #2 seller on JVZoo and he only promotes video marketing products. Stick with the one subject one niche and you can make a lot of consistent income plus less unsubscribes. Give them bonuses of your own when promoting. Presell the product ahead of time. Always put yourself between the product and the person you are selling. Put yourself in the communication, give them your review. Why they need it. Why the price is low for certain time.

What is an affiliate manager?

Spends their time building relationships and helping product creators have a successful launch.

How does a person find an affiliate manager to run their launch?

Start a month or more in advance when recruiting for your launch. Affiliate funnel. you can find JV managers on Facebook.

What’s the difference between maintaining a blog site versus email marketing

Personality blog all about Lynn to interact with her audience. Serve your audience. They need to know what you don’t like and what you do like. Ongoing conversation that makes people feel like they really know you. Share your life and monetize it. No separation between work and play can make money from your life. Sort of a mini celebrity. Sells fitbits, dresses she wears etc Lifestyle/affinity marketing. Upload your list to facebook and do lookalike audiences and analyze who they are and what they like. Be the person that helps them make smart buying decisions. Don’t try to be the expert be the one with a problem and here’s how I solved it

How do you switch genres and use the same skill set?

Asset licensing. Started by licensing adult DVS to stream online. Now has a team of cartoon/graphic designers create kid friendly graphics/videos. Brushy Bear teaches kids to brush their teeth/clean their tongue.  Very scalable model.

How do you get started selling physical products? How do you find a distributor?

Go to tradeshows in the niche. Merchandise markets. Now there are directories of manufacturers and wholesalers. Reverse image search helps you find the manufacturer. Can find dropshippers with these methods. Most people do dropshipping now.

How do you come with idea for software that sells?

Has stacks of notebooks with ideas. Ask your audience what they want. What is not being fulfilled? Where are the holes in the existing products? They will tell you and you build it. Your audience is your best sales team. If you have a launch/product that doesn’t do well move on and try something else. You can’t have success every time. You don’t have mistakes you have lessons and success.

How do you put on a virtual seminar?

BestsellerSummit (best selling author). Make it look nice make it professional and those who are involved will promote it. Allows you to create a create event/product and be at home. Pay for live + recordings + transcript. Can use them as lead gen or free content in the future. Writers are cheaper to target vs internet marketers. Diet products sell well to those who buy cookbooks. Think about what other markets are interested in what you sell that you can reach inexpensively. Create an infrastructure of products that your market wants to buy, survey them and ask them what they want to buy based on what they indicated you can redirect them to the solution. Ask what they want and sell it to them. You can get a lot more people to be buyers when you have other offers in your funnel that you promote to them.

Can you make me a coupon code or a special bonus? That will help you make more sales. Ask for favors what can we do together.

One of the biggest advantages to being on a leaderboard is other people will start seeking you out. Get really personal with your JVs.

How to get started as an affiliate?

Don’t wait, start getting traffic and start networking with JVs. Amazon, Google Adsense are easy to get approved for. Watch the ads on your own sites for products and merchants and they can be a good fit for you to be an affiliate.

What’s your plan for the African market?

License products and partner with others. They can become your marketing advocate for your brand in those markets. 25% royalty. Think outside the box there’s a lot more money in other markets.

How long should we presell to build up buzz?

3-6 months. 30 days minimum.

You need to answer: Why me? Why you? Why this? Why now?

Give plenty of awareness in advance.

Start making a list of the people you want to connect with.

Design specific answers to their questions. How are you going to approach each one in advance?

You must go to those who have promoted similar products. Segment your list and figure out a way to promote the product.

Don’t be afraid to do a private promo if you can’t promote the launch.

Try to keep a promotional schedule

Make it happen

How do you find segmented affiliates?

Learn about people’s businesses and then keep the people who are in your direct niche in mind when you launch. But don’t be afraid to build relationships with other people in the industry. Make friends first and ask for promotions later.

Do favors for other people and build relationships with them.

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