4 Simple Steps To Make Your Business Take Off

When it comes to making money on the Internet, there are two important things that you have to keep in mind: 1. Focus – it is the powerful force that helps you to achieve success. If you are not able to stay focused, you’ll have a hard time trying to succeed. 2. Taking action –…

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Habits On The Road To Success

Setting your sights on accomplishing your goals is the first step you should take. Then, train yourself to do first things first. Develop the habit of working at the first thing on your list and not moving on until it is done. That habit will be the most important thing. Get things done. Don’t worry…

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The Will To Succeed

The objective of this post is to inspire you and to encourage you to push hard to the front so that you never give up. With that said, let’s get started… We all have two sides, which fight each other. One focuses on advancing, while the other wants to stay in place, even to go…

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Happy Birthday to Me :)

Hey Guys, It’s that time of the year again April 30th and today is my 23rd birthday! As you may know I just got back from London last night here are some photos from my trip Also don’t forget to download your free gifts from my friends Reed

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You Don’t Need That Traffic To Make A Lot Of Money

There are many elements in your business that are important, but there are two crucial ones that determine its success or failure. These elements are: Traffic Conversion Let’s see how this works… You can have the best product in the world with an excellent website and a marvelous sales letter. But if nobody knows about…

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FREE Tips on Joint Ventures & List Building

Hey Guys, Come join me tonight on a free ustream chat where Jeff Mills will grill me on Joint Ventures & List Building. It starts at 9PM EST tonight (January 29th) Here’s the link Calls are at 9 pm EST | 8 pm CST | 7 pm MST | 6 pm PST. To find out…

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Canada Marketing Summit – Will You Join Me?

The Canada Marketing Summit being held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 26-29, 2009 will be the first time, anywhere in this country that an event of this magnitude will be held! Vancouver is a beautiful city that is hosting the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, and will be the back drop of this MUST ATTEND…

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2009 Marketers Cruise

Now that the funeral is over and I’m trying to get back into the swing of things I figured it was time for me to write up my thoughts on the 2009 Marketers Cruise. My trip started on Wednesday January 7th 2009 when I boarded my plane from Minneapolis which took me to Detriot and…

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I’m Back – But Bad News :(

Hey Guys, I’m back from my cruise in the Caribbean where we had a great time. In fact I’m already signed up for next year and I will extend the invitation to join me next year at cost. I had a fantastic time and I will be putting a lot more up about the cruise…

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Last Blog Post for a Few Days…

Hey, I hope you are sticking to your new year’s resolutions and that your business is doing well. I fly out early tomorrow morning to Fort Lauderdale Florida and then join Mike Filsaime and company for a Caribean Cruise here’s some details and pictures. In fact over 260 of us are going and it’s going…

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