List Building Simplified

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One of the most important things you can do as an Internet marketer is to build a targeted, responsive list within your market.

A list provides you with the instant ability to connect with your target audience, while being able to build a relationship with your subscribers, establish credibility in your market, and maximize your income faster and easier than anything else.

If you are new to list building, rest assured that it’s a very simple process and there are many different ways that you can start collecting leads quickly and easily, and absolutely free.

This report reveals the top ways to grow your subscribers list, so let’s begin!

Create A Compelling Squeeze Page

In order to build a list, you need to develop a landing page or squeeze page that showcases the benefits a subscriber receives for joining your newsletter.

Your squeeze page also displays the code for your opt-in box, which is where visitors enter in their name and email address to subscribe to your mailing list.

Your squeeze page can be as basic or as detailed as you decide to make it, just keep in mind that you need a compelling headline that clearly showcases the benefits of your list and speaks directly to your visitors.

You should also create a bullet-point listing of benefits, as well as highlight any incentive offers or giveaways that you are offering to anyone who subscribes to your list such as a free report, e-course or ebook.

Make sure that your opt-in box is displayed above the fold, and that the sign up process is as easy as possible. You want people to simply enter in their name and email address to be added to your list, so don’t convolute the process!

Offer Quality Incentive Offers

One of the easiest ways to entice a visitor into becoming a subscriber is by offering some form of incentive.

One of the most common strategies used by list builders is to provide instant access to free content, such as a downloadable report or ebook that is relevant to those visiting the site.

You want to build targeted lists, rather than generic ones and so by offering content that is tailored towards what your subscribers are interested in, you’ll be able to ‘qualify’ subscribers, ensuring that your list is not only targeted, but responsive.

Participate In Giveaways

You can generate traffic to your website and recruit new leads just by participating in giveaways.

Giveaways allow contributors to offer a gift to visitors in exchange for each member joining their list. It’s a great way to build your lists quickly but keep in mind that “freebie seekers” aren’t always the easiest to later convert into buyers.

Still, it’s a simple way of jump-starting your list activity and giving you the opportunity to gain experience from sending out broadcasts, split testing campaigns and developing a relationship with your list.

Become Active In Relevant Forums

Forum marketing is an effective strategy for driving in fresh traffic to your squeeze page and building your list, but it also helps you build brand awareness in your niche market.

By being an active member of relevant community forums, you can spread your marketing message quickly, while finding potential joint venture partners and networking opportunities.

Just make sure that you include a direct link to your squeeze page in your forum signature (when permitted) and that you do your best to contribute quality, and useful information that will add value to the community.

Write Quality Articles & Reports

One of the main reasons people join mailing lists is to receive fresh, quality content on a regular basis.

You first want to develop a content schedule that is consistent, so that subscribers become familiar with your updates and know what to expect, but you also want to make sure that you stay in close communication with your subscriber base.

Consider sending out 2-3 emails a week that offer free content, balanced with promotional based emails every 2-3 days.  The more value you offer your list, the more responsive they will be so you’ll want to strike a good balance between free information and advertisements.

Consider offering an e-course, where subscribers can receive regular lesson plans, checklists, action plans and tasks lists that help them learn more about your niche market.

You could also create short reports that provide valuable information, while monetizing your content by embedding affiliate links into your report, leading readers to external resources that offer more information or enhance the material found in your free offer.

Become A Guest Blogger

One way of gaining exposure and generating traffic to your squeeze page is by signing up to become a guest blogger on relevant blog communities.  You can offer to write posts or update content in exchange for a prominent link on the blog, directing readers to your squeeze page.

Becoming a guest blogger will benefit you in many ways apart from the fresh exposure you’ll receive and the opportunity to add new subscribers to your mailing list.

As a guest blogger, you’ll also be able to build credibility within your niche market, while “piggybacking” off of the popularity of the blogs you are writing on.

Your posts should always be unique and provide quality information that will genuinely help those reading your articles.

To find blogs that accept guest blogging contributions, run a search through google for “your niche+guest blogging”, replacing “your niche” with your primary keyword.

You can also search using the following queries:

[] guest post

You can also contact the administrators of blogs you frequently visit and ask them if they accept guest bloggers.

Make sure that you become familiar with the blogs content and writing style so that you can retain consistency when submitting your own guest posts.

Administrators are far more likely to accept your contributions if they match the existing content and quality of their website.

Offer “Subscriber Only” Discounts

One great way of boosting list activity and motivating visitors into becoming subscribers is by offering “subscriber only” bonuses, discounts or coupons on paid products and services.

People are always interested in getting a deal and by offering price reductions on popular products and services, you’ll be able to entice visitors into subscribing to your list.

Furthermore, you’ll maximize your income by increasing your chances that these subscribers will purchase your products. After all, they are joining just to get the coupon or discount!

Final Words

Building a list isn’t difficult, but it does require commitment. You need to actively work on recruiting leads, promoting your squeeze page and establishing a relationship with your subscribers so that they trust you and the products and services you recommend.

You want to use your list to expand your outreach, maximize your income and become a quality content provider and a recognized authority in your market, so take an aggressive approach to building your list one subscriber at a time!

Best of success!


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