Designing a million dollar lifestyle while still having a life
You make exactly what you deserve by how you’ve designed it
What you have in life is exactly what you have chosen
The Four F’s Faith Family Fitness Finance is what makes up the fabric of a Chillionaire
Finances are evidence of what we have
Fitness is evidence of our doing
Family is who we be to everyone
Faith is who we be to ourselves
From each of these our finances flow.
The other business model
Get as many leads as possible, sell them whatever you can, promote like crazy
Find out what you truly want there is no asset more valuable to a Chillionaire than a well-sharpened sense of self awareness
Write down exactly what you want
3 sacred metrics
Your money – have a specific monthly money goal i.e. not I want to double my business, I want to make $100K a month. If you don’t than whatever you making is what you are accepting
Your model – what do you like to do all day? Do you like coaching people? Do you like writing copy? Do you like creating software? Do you like creating training? You will make more money doing what you like.
The magic that you bring – what you do best. Do you have something you do that you feel the world would be a better place if you shared what you do for more money?
Kevin Nations customer avatar have some expertise (not necessary marketing) on a topic.
Your offer – solving the problem they have. What is it costing them not to work with you? They will make a decision based off a trigger that makes them take action. i.e. say you get turned down for a date in high school and your high school reunion is coming up you want to make them jealous
We want to know why sometimes people don’t buy what you are selling. 99% of the time they want to buy but you aren’t selling it right
3 reasons why they don’t buy
Your stuff isn’t very good
Don’t give them the right offer at the right time
Don’t have the right plan
The real you must be better than your image
Make you product as valuable as possible
Success is when preparation meets opportunity
Who is the best person who does X in your niche?
Define an offer that we know the value for if people don’t buy
Give more of your time only proves how inefficient you are
As an entrepreneur your job is to know the difference between doing stuff and getting it done
Get the most accomplished with the least amount of effort
Preparation and practice are what makes this happen
The big problem is we promise the moon for cheap
Ongoing support is where the real money is key to client success and your wealth
This will make people continue to invest with you over and over again. These are the easiest clients.
When you can sell like crazy on the front end it means you can market. If you can sell on the backend it means you can deliver.
After you’ve made your first promise to them is when you can sell them more a lot easier.
I’ve gotten you to X and I’d like to continue to help you is a lot easier to sell
When you choose your clients you choose your quality of life
Kevin turns down easy money all the time.
$4 million a year business exclusively on referrals spends around $1K a year trying different advertising
Good clients are often created not discovered
Get the best clients by being the best
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