Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ron Douglas – How to build a long term evergreen product ecosystem and some other random but profitable tips I made up this morning

New York Times Best Seller 1.5 million copies sold Starting selling a cooking ebook in 2003 while working on Wall Street for JP Morgan 1 out of every 100 households have one of Ron’s books 1.5 million sold Over $30 million in sales Over $5.8 million in free advertising from the media Over 750 million…

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Anthony Aires – What I did to go from ZERO to $1,00,914.71 in 20 months without doing a product launch

Entrepreneur for 22 years Internet marketing 15 years SEO for 13 years Video expert 7 years Built and sold several companies and brands Dedicated to empowering like minded entrepreneurs Filed for bankruptcy in 2007 What you can believe you can achieve Your belief is your yeast if you don’t have belief you can’t rise 4…

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Chris Record’s Story

Grew up on welfare, section 8 housing and food stamps Started helping small businesses Averages over 1 million a month now Have a clear intention of your time Money is just an idea Lack of time, money, knowledge and fear are what stops you Focus 1 hour a day on the one activity that makes…

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Ben Adkins – Why your next 90 days matter

If you know what you were put on this planet to do stand up right now How many of you think you are BSing yourself? Was a chiropractor Moved into a new town when he started his practice and he used the internet to build his practice Other business owners realized he was doing well…

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Joel Comm – Questions and Answers

How do you get started? I would go to events. I would introduce myself to people and find out what they do. Ask them questions. This is how you grow and find new opportunities. What’s your favorite paid traffic source? Facebook How to sell to your followers? The key is finding out what is the…

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Kevin Harrington – How to Be a Key Person of Influence

Inventor of infomercial and original star on Shark Tank Over 500 products launched Lives in St Petersburg Florida originally from Cincinnati Ohio Started at age 11 with a mentor – his dad Dad was fighter pilot in WWII and opened a restaurant when he got back Worked for his dad’s restaurant and learned that he…

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Brad Gosse The Russian doll methods confessions of a flippa super seller

1997 started in adult entertainment Porn #1 on google for 18 months Graphics company VectorToons Flippa powerseller’ $1,200 investment into $20K in 46 days Not selling get rich quick schemes Without a big launch Without leveraging connections Creates websites and sell them on Flippa It’s like eBay for websites Usually 10-20 multiple on revenue Hires…

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Aidan Booth – How to structure your launch

Started in 2005 as affiliate marketing wanted to have geographic and financial freedom. Biggest launch on JVZOO $5.5 million 1 week launch 8 figure ecommerce business 3 million visitors just from Facebook visitors From New Zealand originally lives in Argentina 100K factory. 10 day launch $2.5 or 3 payments of $997 $127.57 average EPC Get…

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What’s new with JVZoo?

Joel Comm MC E. Brian Rose Bryan Zimmerman Chad Casselman We only make money when you make money Cart abandonment emails Automated gotowebinar registration Webinars are very lucrative Automatedwebinars for all vendors and affiliates Affiliates can record an intro for the automated webinars Just crossed $200 million in sales in 4 years Be social and…

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Roundtable Q and A

E.B.R. – founder of JVZoo Ben Littlefield – marketing online since 98 or 99 eBay business. Software. Brian Anderson – software and local marketing since 94. Started making training programs in 2008. Colin Theriot – Cult leader/copyrighter Omar Martin – Higherlevel strategies in 2008. Launch products that help online marketers Anthony Aires – Been an…

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