Category Archives: Uncategorized

How do you simplify the online business from start to finish using one page instructions and tools?

How do you simplify the online business from start to finish using one page instructions and tools it sounds like you’re looking for a website that gives you all the resources at your fingertips and really there isn’t an easy way to do this other than some info products I know that myself and barbering…

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What is the best advertising platform in the near future other than Facebook?

What is the best advertising platform in the near future other than Facebook well I hear a lot of people talking about Snapchat and Instagram those are by far the most popular new Social Network so I think we’re going to have to look out for it in the next few months and 2 years…

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What is the best way to get clients trust?

  What is the best way to get a client’s trust well there’s a few different options 1 is go out there and build a relationship with them this is by giving them high-quality information like what I’m doing right now or I’m answering people’s questions be a video this helps build a relationship which…

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2nd Expert Panel

Mike Carraway Tim Castleman Ben Littlefield Ira Rosen Brad Gosse Chris Winters Brian Anderson Cory Michael Sanchez Colin Theriot Donald VanFossen Omar Martin   How do you pay for things with internet money? If you set stuff up to make enough money you can live a nice lifestyle by using your internet profits to buy…

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Joel Comm – The Power of Live Video

When things really started/started to gain traction Internet 1999 Podcast 2004 YouTube 2004 Social Media 2005 Blogging 2006 Apps 2008 Live video 2008 – 2016 is now really gaining traction Blab, Periscope, Facebook Live 2.5% innovators 13.5% early adopters early majority 34% late majority 34% laggards 16% We are in the innovator stage still with…

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Anthony Morrison – Mobile Optin

Started his business when his parents lost money investing in WorldCom Has gotten where he is at by focusing on optimization and focusing on the one thing you are good at. Started making money online marketing credit cards Wanted to get on QVC but they said no and he made his own show and had…

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Kevin Nations – How to turn your passions into high ticket sales

Chillionaire Designing a million dollar lifestyle while still having a life You make exactly what you deserve by how you’ve designed it What you have in life is exactly what you have chosen The Four F’s Faith Family Fitness Finance is what makes up the fabric of a Chillionaire Finances are evidence of what we…

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Omar Martin – How to do over $300K in 60 days using JVZoo

Former NYC Fire department paramedic After 9/11 decided to change his life and get into sales The launch model sucks… or does it? Front end products that give out 100% commissions is the loss leader (can even be the OTOs too) Launches generate leads How new leads generate daily income through affiliate promotions Affiliates bring…

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Ty Cohen – How to Partner with Amazon to Create an Instant Stream of Monthly Recurring Revenue Without Having to Personally Sell Anything Ever!

Grew up in Father Panik village housing project during the days of crack cocaine and heroin Most of his old friends are either dead or in jail Born with sickle cell anemia wasn’t expected to live past age 17 2 hip replacements one at age 20 Had to relearn how to use his arm Sister…

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Forbes Riley – How to get everything you want

Over $2 billion sold on TV You need to know the art and the magic of the pitch A pitch is a one sided conversation designed to get a positive response. To get what you want requires human interaction When you meet people they don’t care what you do they care what you can do…

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