Category Archives: Uncategorized

Everyday Heroes Book is Live!

We need your help to make this book a Best Seller! Your purchase of this book right now could literally put us over the top! AND…100% of book sale proceeds will be donated to charity. All details are explained here: When you grab the book right now, you’ll enjoy immediate access to tons of…

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Landing Page Automation

Today, in our final message, you’re going to learn how you can save time and money by automating the building of your landing pages, as well. Landing page creation can take hours of your time, or big bucks paid to a designer who may or may not see your vision or who may take longer…

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Sales Funnel Marketing Automation

Automating your sales funnel can not only save you a lot of time, it can also DRAMATICALLY increase sales, improve conversions, increase the lifetime value of a customer, and even help with customer retention. Unfortunately, good tools to automate the sales process generally come at a fairly hefty price. Most such services charge $200 per…

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Social Media Marketing Automation

Social media can be a pain at times. I get it. Anyone who is on social media tends to agree that it’s a huge time sink, and that they know their time could probably be better spent in other ways. But everyone also knows that social media is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, and no…

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Email Marketing Automation

Yesterday we talked about the types of marketing automation. Today we are going to delve a little deeper into how you can use automation to run one specific type a little easier. Email. Oh, sure, you can just queue up a lead magnet, a few autoresponder messages, and the occasional sales message and let it…

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Types of Marketing Automation

Hopefully by now you’re seeing why it’s a good idea to use marketing automation, no matter what size your business is. Now let’s start talking about HOW you can use it for your business. We’ll start by learning about the three main types of marketing automation. Email The most well-known type of automation is email.…

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Why Use Marketing Automation?

Yesterday I gave you an offline example of how marketing automation might work in the real world, and it probably gave you a good idea of why one might want to use it. But you may be thinking you’re too small to use it, or that you don’t get enough business, yet. But not using…

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What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is a thoroughly misunderstood topic by the majority of people. Most people think it simply has to do with using an email autoresponder to send out lead magnets to subscribers, but there’s so much more to it than that. Let’s look at an offline example that might help you understand marketing automation in…

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Holy Cow!

So far people have donated $1,722 in bonuses that will be given away for free with your proof of purchase of this brand new book: “Everyday Heroes 2” Tomorrow! We need your help! Join in for a great cause and purchase this book on tomorrow (3/24/17) between 9am-10am EST. Buying at this time is…

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How newbies get on page #1 of google without SEO

Do you have any idea how much traffic & sales you will make the MINUTE you reach Page #1 on google & youtube for a certain keyword? A LOT. It will be a massive Influx like you’ve never experienced before, all for free. The problem is that it requires SEO knowledge, work and connections.’s…

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