Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do NOT buy The 7-Figure Franchise

Yes I said do NOT buy it; Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you’re the sort of person who likes to re-invent things for the sake of it. Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if you can’t follow simple instructions and steps (which make you money fast by the way) Do NOT buy 7-Figure Franchise if…

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How to tell if 7-Figure Franchise is for you

If you’ve not made any money online yet it’s for you. (Because it’s easy, proven and guaranteed to work). If you want to take your online earnings to the next level it’s for you. (Because you’re getting 100% commissions on all Cheney’s products and $1000 commissions too). If you’re already making good money online but…

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Today is DEADLINE DAY for 7-Figure Franchise (FAQ inside)

A few questions have come in regarding 7-Figure Franchise that I wanted to share with you. So let’s dive in; Q. Do I really get $1000 high ticket payments paid to my PayPal account with this? YES. Every time one of the leads you send buys a “back end” sale you get paid $1000 and…

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Want “7-Figure Franchise” for FREE and pay from your profits?

Yes you really can do this. But this exclusive offer is closing down on Sunday so you need to be quick. It works real easy; You get PayPal to finance your investment in the Franchise… They give you the money for an entire 6 months without you paying anything (they don’t even charge you 1…

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stop watching TV and make some real money instead

Seriously. Watch this video and we’ll show you how to make $199.48 per hour (of every hour, 24/7); Best, Reed Floren

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Get started with 7-Figure Franchise for $0 (this weekend only)

Yes. We’ve been getting a ton of questions like this; “I want the self-selling Super Funnel and the high ticket sales with the 7-Figure Franchise for FREE – can I pay you with the money I make from it?” YES! Yes – now you can (but ONLY this weekend). You see; There’s a special arrangement…

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$199.48 per hour (24/7) with a self-selling “super funnel” ?

Yes. I know it sounds weird. But; This self-selling “super funnel” pretty much automates the entire sales process so he can sit back and watch as $199.48 comes into his business every hour of every day no matter what he does. Pretty cool, huh? On this week’s live training we explained how it works (and…

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wooooah… (about last night)

Last night was crazy. A whole bunch of you were lucky enough to be on the live call when Michael Cheney and I shared his weird self-selling “super funnel” making him $199.48 an hour (and then how you could copy it in 4 minutes flat). But my inbox was jammed full this morning of unhappy…

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LIVE Training Starting Now: “$199.48 per hour ‘super-funnel’ and how to copy it”

Michael Cheney and I are waiting for you on this live money-training call right now; Best, Reed Floren P.S. You get a free $5000 bonus just for showing up on the live call because we’re giving you a ready-made, fully-functional website to put in your own payment link and keep all the profits from.

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Have you made enough moolah to retire on yet??

Scary isn’t it? No matter how old you are you can hear the distant rumbling of a freight train heading your way. It’s the retirement freight train and right now you’re tied to the tracks. Immobilized by lack of funds. Unable to escape due to lack of money in the bank. You need to move…

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