Category Archives: Featured
10 Tips For Taking Control Of Your Life
Who is the boss of your goal setting, record tracking and time management? It would seem at first glance, that Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD and positive thinking have nothing to do with the other. Many individuals with ADD develop patterns of negative thinking, since they become frustrated by their various challenges and feelings of…
How to Expand Your Ideas of Leadership
Leadership or supervision of delegated duties requires great personalities and systematic techniques. There are many ideas and concepts regarding leadership and how to become a good leader. You can read them from books, inspiring biographies of successful leaders, and remarkable teachings and notions of great leaders around the world. Yet we still fail to distinguish…
The Many Benefits of Self Development
It is normal for every one to have feelings of doubts, fears and insecurities sometimes. But when you face a serious situation wherein you feel you are cornered in one side and you think there is no way out, you would just wish you are somebody else. It is always a common thinking of every…
What’s Your Favorite Thing About Christmas?
Growing up my favorite thing was seeing what presents I would get. Oftentimes I’d try to guess what they were or sneak a peak because the suspense was too much. Don’t get me wrong I still like opening presents but I can definitely tell I’m changing as I was much more interested in giving gifts…
Join Reed Floren and Jeff Mills for a Holiday Dinner
If you live near or in the Twin Cities, join Jeff Mills and Reed Floren for dinner! Holiday Dinner Meetup <– Click here to sign up! When Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:00 PM Details We’re Celebrating the holidays and the end of the year with our meetup family and you are invited to come and…
Time Management & Proper Planning The 80/20 Rule
According to the Pareto Principle, the ratio 80:20 states that 80% of efforts as a result of mismanaged time generates only 20% of the desired output; however, 80% of the desired output can be generated using only 20% of the effort when time is well managed. This random principle is used to highlight the importance…
How To Think Positively in A Negative World
Positive thinking, the right attitude towards goals, will get us to the top. Whatever ideas and plans you have inside your mind, if you have the positivity, you have all the reasons to do it and fulfill it. What can hinder you from doing what you planned to do? Do not let negative thoughts block…
How to Manage Your Time & Behavior to Better Manage Stress
Pressures and stress are what we usually suffer from when we fail to complete a workload at the scheduled time. Imagine those piles of reports and heap of activities welcoming you each morning at your office table. And when the day ends, you are still undone with them. Stress is a normal event in the…
FREE 7-Day Self-Improvement Program
Countless times I have heard or read that celebrity marriages are falling apart, left and right. I honestly could care less, however, it is puzzling that many times we view TV and movie stars as being totally flawless individuals, who live a fairytale life of glamour and wealth. The reality is not found by having…
3 Steps To Quick Article Marketing Cash
It has been a while since I posted. Since Christmas is around the corner and I am figuring that most folks would have a need for some quick cash to buy gifts for their family and friends. Here are 3 steps to pocket some ready cash from article marketing. Step 1 – Setting Up A…