Brad Gosse The Russian doll methods confessions of a flippa super seller

1997 started in adult entertainment

Porn #1 on google for 18 months

Graphics company VectorToons

Flippa powerseller’

$1,200 investment into $20K in 46 days

Not selling get rich quick schemes

Without a big launch

Without leveraging connections

Creates websites and sell them on Flippa

It’s like eBay for websites

Usually 10-20 multiple on revenue

Hires outsourcer usually around $1,200 to create infographics template pack

Idea à Outsourcer (do this on day 1) à launch 30 days à flip for 10-20 on day 40 à Larger project day 45 take the cash sold for $17,225

Create products you need yourself

$1,200 freelancer -> $2,890 launch -> flip for $17,225 #2 bidder was $15,000

Hired another outsourcer to create another graphic set on flowcharts done and turn key and he contacted bidder #2 coach you through the process of launching and flipping it

What sells on flippa


Website with traffic (viral site, blog, forum)

Website with affiliate income

Info products (sometimes)

Graphics and templates – Brad’s favorite

If you do software sell as a recurring not lifetime otherwise it is a liability and you can easily go out of business

Maximize your income

Setup cross selling deals – earn a percentage setting up deals

Manage the site for a fee

Upsell 1 on 1 coaching or throw it in – when you offer it as a bonus most people do 1 call or don’t do anything

Offer buyer financing 50% upfront + 10% fee to flippa then 20% if you don’t make the final payment I still own the site and can flip it.

Have them use your affiliate links and get signed up for hosting, autoresponders, jvzoo etc

What price point? $17 – $47 funnel is developer license so they can use on customer sites

Put it up on JVZoo and then shows the proof of sales. Can transfer the launch to other accout

@bradgosse on twitter and Facebook

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