All you needed to know about Viral Marketing

viralmarketing1Viral marketing is the method of creating a buzz about a brand, product or service. In this modern world where everyone is connected to each other, it can also be seen as “marketing pieces which are memorable and attention grabbing.

In nature, viral infections tend to be smaller – yet have a big impact on the community. Similarly, viral marketing campaign seems to be small, but create massive impact on the community and industry.

Viral marketing depends on the “pass-on rate” of content from one person to another. If a large percentage of recipients forward anything to a massive group of people, and forward it to others, then the product, brand, service, events, etc., goes viral and succeeds.

Viral marketing has gained tremendous popularity, and many big brands are using this as a marketing tool. Budweiser, Kellogg’s, Levi’s, Nestlé, Virgin Cinemas, Dove and many more have jumped on this bandwagon.

It is a form of word of mouth marketing which aims to spread a message exponentially and build brand credibility and awareness among targeted audiences.

There are numerous viral marketing campaigns that are taking place, but you havent heard about them, nor would they be featured on major news network, because they are focused on a specific area of interest or community.

For a successful viral marketing campaign, here is the recipe for success.

  • Make sure your content is shareable.
  • Focus on eliciting emotions.
  • Be unpredictable
  • Make use of other elements for promoting
  • Tie the campaign to trending events
  • Keep it simple

The above points will help you get your brand and products to go viral and attain the desired results. Content containing videos, infographics, how-to and lists, perform the best.

Viral marketing is mostly done in two forms: Incentive based and service based models. In Incentive based model, customers and prospects are rewarded for forwarding the products and services within their networks. Whereas in the Service based model, free services are provided to the customers for forwarding the content.

An increase in the use of social media networks has businesses creating viral marketing campaigns for promoting their products, brand and events on digital media.

Here are certain things or ideas that should be avoided while using a viral marketing campaign for your business.

  • Restricting access
  • Disappearing after going viral
  • Disappointed due to negative comments
  • Crafting campaigns for going viral without any purpose
  • Not advertising


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