Aidan Booth – How to structure your launch

Started in 2005 as affiliate marketing wanted to have geographic and financial freedom.

Biggest launch on JVZOO $5.5 million 1 week launch

8 figure ecommerce business

3 million visitors just from Facebook visitors

From New Zealand originally lives in Argentina

100K factory.

10 day launch $2.5 or 3 payments of $997 $127.57 average EPC

Get to a $100K run rate in 60 days with 4 simple websites and see results in a matter of hours (no experience needed)

55% through webinars

45% through VSL

47% took one time payment

53% took split pay

Average customer value was almost identical

First day and last day of launch are always the most

Half a million dollar in sales the day before the launch

Days 4-8are the toughest on 10 day launch

How can you help them make sales?

Exclusive PDF, pre-recorded interviewed, QA call, inside look, mid launch prize

This is the hardest part of the launch

33% of sales will come in first 48 hours

Early bird conference call run 2 early bird webinars 9% total sales

Extra bonuses for first 100 action takes or first 24 hours

Scarcity can close at any moment

15% of total sales on launch

31% come in the last 48 hours

Get partners to mail everyone who does 3 or more sales get an apple watch

Easiest time to cash in

Generic webinar everyone can mail

More expensive your product the longer the prelaunch

Only focus on one thing in prelaunch, generate buzz and goodwill. Awesome content/tools/prizes for subscribers/more you give more you’ll be perceived to have. Funnel all leads into an early bird webinar affiliate ids are cookies

Do early bird workshop the day before you launch to get sales

5 day prelaunch give away a prize every day

Earlybird webinar brought in $456K 7PM and 9PM had around 800 people on each one converted at 11%

Differentiate or Die – book recommendation

Trinity code – prelaunch video filmed in plane

HUGE Announcement (made at 200 mph 7500ft above North Carolina

100K factory prelaunch & launch filmed in luxury yacht in the Bahamas

HUGE announcement with swimming pigs and lizards in luxury yacht in The Bahamas

Sales video structure

  1. Huge promise upfront

Test student reaches $700 a day in under 10 days

Instant goldmind

  1. Connect + comment enemy

Failed before it’s not your fail I’ve failed too.

Scapegoat –< flawd business model

  1. Opportunity + solution

Tap into the $100,000,000 business model

Instead of making $100,000,000 what if you could earn $2,000 from each site

  1. Why you are different
  2. Proof on camera
  3. Fast and easy
  4. Benefits – financial, geographic, and time freedom
  5. The offer and the value – super powers your product has unique system, magic software, case study, support, show value on screen show what time is worth, build the offer up as much as possible
  6. Logical justification – explain logically why this works fast so that, easy so that etc
  7. Scarcity – spaces at limited but why – explain it
  8. Remove the risk – money back guarantee or triple your money back pushes your conversions 60 days to test it out followed the steps and it didn’t work I’ll give your money back + another $1K plus equivalent to charity make it a no brainer
  9. Call to action
  10. Warning

Cart closed page

Contact us page telling them to email if they had issues

Or have an optin box

Try to merge them together contact box plus optin

Refund mitigation

Hired someone to lower refund they were incentivized to keep refunds low

Focused on customer satisfaction a sale saved is the equal to a sale made

Drip feed content

Strategically timed released

Protection 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 120day

12 week countdown plan

List every day, assign, divide it to weekly chunks, add to weekly planning if you fall behind adjust the plan

The 12 week year – book recommendation

Build 3 customer avatars


7 P to product launch

Product super powers





Profit maximizers


Launching feel they will make $200 EPC $2 per lead

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