Kevin Harrington – How to Be a Key Person of Influence

Inventor of infomercial and original star on Shark Tank

Over 500 products launched

Lives in St Petersburg Florida originally from Cincinnati Ohio

Started at age 11 with a mentor – his dad

Dad was fighter pilot in WWII and opened a restaurant when he got back

Worked for his dad’s restaurant and learned that he didn’t want to be in that business due to a lot of theft caused by employees

Opened a heating and air conditioning business as a sophomore in college with 25 employees

Would contact home buyers and give them a free safety check and cleaning

Would upsell them a new furnace because technology was improving

Sold his business and connected with a business broker then he got to see the books of all sorts of businesses

Started the small business center one stop center for small business

It connected small business owners with the resources they need – lawyer, accountant, insurance, graphic design etc

Got cable in the early 80s and saw that Discovery channel had bars across the screen so he called in to find out why they only had content for 18 hours a day.

Was at the Philadelphia homeshow and saw Arnold Morris (the #1 knife seller) selling ginsu knifes and he decided to put the ginsu knifes on TV. Filmed the first one for $2k budget at a supermarket over $500 million in sales

Arnold connected Kevin with other pitch people and took a percentage

Took the shows into other markets

Mark Burnett calls and pitches him on Shark Tank

What he learned from being on Shark Tank

Wrote a book “Act Now How I turn ideas into million dollar products”

5% of sharks get 95% of profits

4 easy skills to becoming a key person of influence

Develop a curiosity overload

Directory of mail order catalogs – he requested from all the companies

Noticed some products were in multiple catalogs – these are the winners

Half the people in catalogs have never done infomercials and live shopping. Contact the ones in multiple catalogs

Test before you invest

How can you use curiosity to define more opportunities?

Build your dream team- create powerful marketing and sales

8 people $5K a month after we start raising money to one main person + split 2% between the 8

Used the pedigrees of the 8 dream people to raise the funds

Competitive analysis and coaches and mentors

Are you ready for your future customers?

Things are getting so big so fast because of internet and cell phones

We are in search of an attention span

Average attention span is less than 8 seconds – less than a goldfish

TV viewership is down

Snapchat is the future merger of TV and mobile

People look for peer reviews and don’t trust ads near as much

5 kinds of testimonials

  1. User of a product
  2. Celebrity – musician
  3. Professional – bass master champion
  4. Editorial – newspaper, magazine etc
  5. Documentation – testing lab

Raise your profile to gain new customers and new agents

If you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten

Book was Kevin’s first step to raise his profile – to get media interviews

2,000+ radio shows that need content in America

We are in an ideas economy being published shows you as an authority.

Social media, newspaper, magazine, trade journal, radio, podcasts, events, interviews, raise money for charity, digital magazine, produce educational blogs/videos

Sharkpreneur Kevin’s digital magazine

Go to events and you can publish as an editor and get all access

Also can use your digital magazine to get your foot in the door with people

60% of his sales come from on as seen on TV activity

Marketing via LinkedIN

Create educational blogs

Your title is most important

Short intro that teases audience what they will learn and a conclusion that wraps it up

Optimize is

Join targeted groups, get noticed, find top contributor, engage, make 2 post in the morning, 2 in the evening for 5 days. Schedule other posts. Comment on group discussion. Be relevant, meaningful, inquisitive, encouraging, be a resource a catalyst

Connect connect, connect, network, network, network

Turn traffic into leads à optin forms à give something away

Develop a perfect pitch

Tease, Please and Seize

Tease grab audience with an attention getting problem

Please show benefits, solutions to the problem, ease the pain, support with testimonials and documentation

Seize create an irresistible offer

People are attracted to passion – use make sure you are passionate

Fail fast and fail cheap

Prevention is a tough sell

Works with a lot of celebrities with $0 but a percentage

To be successful you have to be willing to let other people who can strengthen your weaknesses.

Better to have half of the pie than 100% of nothing

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