Mastering The Art of Email Marketing + Review and Bonuses Graham Maddison

Grab Your Copy Of Mastering The Art of Email Marketing + My EXCLUSIVE BONUS HERE

Mastering The Art Of Email Marketing is a 14 module 2 hour course starting at just $14 the price goes up with every sale and there are no upsells

Module 1

How long to make your auto-responder sequence for maximum profits

Module 2

Offers Vs content (the best ratio you should use)

Module 3

Best time to follow up and best time to broadcast

Module 4

Best types of subject lines to use for insane open rates

Module 5

Best way to deliver constant value to your list and keep them responsive

Module 6

Best way exactly how to make money with your email lists

Module 7

How to write killer follow up emails (I show you a Live example)

Module 8

How to write a killer promotional email that makes you money (I give you a Live case study)

Module 9

The 1 Key copywriting strategy to use in your emails to make them more powerful

Module 10

The 1 simple strategy to use in your email messages to make more money from your email campaigns

Module 11

How to keep your subscribers engaged with your content making your open rates go through the roof

Module 12

The exact type of prospect follow up sequence to use for best results

Module 13

Best way to follow up with your buyers and how to crank out huge profits by focusing on 1 simple thing

Module 14

The complete secret ingredients of an effective and profitable email

Grab Your Copy Of Mastering The Art of Email Marketing + My EXCLUSIVE BONUS HERE

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