2009 Marketers Cruise

Now that the funeral is over and I’m trying to get back into the swing of things I figured it was time for me to write up my thoughts on the 2009 Marketers Cruise.

My trip started on Wednesday January 7th 2009 when I boarded my plane from Minneapolis which took me to Detriot and then Fort Lauderdale. From Detriot to For Lauderdale we had some very nasty turbolence and I’m sure glad this wasn’t my first plane expierence because I would have rented or bought a vehicle to get back home.

Once we got to Fort Lauderdale I had the hotel send a shuttle to pick me up and they brought me to the Sheraton down there where I ended up getting a bite to eat and meeting a few people before calling it a day.

Thursday January 8th our group took a few coach busses over to the dock where we boarded the Carnival Miracle later that day we set sail.

The next two days we had various mastermind sessions and we all got to know each other a bit better. Our group consisted of 267 guests on the cruise which is a really good percentage of the ship probably around 10%. Even during the 8 days I still didn’t meet everyone in the group.

On our port days we did St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Tortola & I ended up going to Virgin Gorda to see The Baths.

At those ports we checked out some of the stores and would go on tours of the islands.

Here’s a slide show of some of my photographs

The last few days of the trip we did more mastermind sessions and I did a few interviews; this is a fantastic way to have a really relaxed business trip and develop life long friendships which can truly make a difference in your bottom line.

In case you haven’t been on a cruise ship before I highly recommend going on them. This is my 2nd cruise and I really enjoy them. Cruising is fun because cruise ships have….

24/7 complimentary meals
Las Vegas Style shows
Hot Tubs
Swimming Pools
Lots of drinking opportunities
Frankly something for everyone

In fact I’m signed up for the next marketers cruise and we are going to be hitting up Belize and Mexico which should be a ton of fun.

I hope to see you next year as I plan on doing my own group on the next Marketer’s Cruise.


  • Phil Henderson

    Reply Reply January 21, 2009


    looking forward to seeing you again in January if not before… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m hitting Jon Benson’s fitness courses to ensure I’m in a lot better shape and I’ll also be keeping away from any form of surfing (that’s in the sea not online)in the very near future.

    Speak soon

    Phil H

  • Denise

    Reply Reply January 21, 2009

    Hey Reed, great pics! It looks like it’s beautiful there. Hope you had lots of fun.

    I’m really sorry to hear about your aunt.

    Take care.


  • Tommy C

    Reply Reply January 21, 2009

    Hey Reed, your pictures made me sit and think about being in Hawaii last April…needless to say I finally snapped out of my daze..darn. Glad you had fun. Great pictures!

  • Dorothea Carney

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Great photos Reed! Wish I could have been there! Next time, I hope!


  • Timothy Millar

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hey Reed, Glad you had fun and were still able to work, While all you Guru’s were gone I managed to pick up some Team members. Thanks for the Guru Free Time! Have a Wonderful Day.

    Timothy Millars last blog post..Search Engine Optimization Marketing

  • cheryl trulove

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    I am sorry I didn’t know about your aunt, so my condolences to you and yours. I prayed for your family and hope everyone can stay strong.

  • Chris Imamshah

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hi Reed,

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your business vacation.

    My favorites were the pig on the beach and the beautiful blue waters.

    Sorry for your loss. Time helps is all I can tell you having suffered the loss of my husband in 2007.


  • Dave

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hi Reed

    I wish I could have been there. The weather look great and I’m sure so were the friends.

    Maybe next year


    Daves last blog post..Ways to Dress up Your Bath, on a budget!

  • Ari Lestariono

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Welcome back Reed, nice pic.Thanks for sharing

    Ari Lestarionos last blog post..Top 13 New Years Resolutions (continued)

  • Hermann Hoerter

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Great pictures Reed, I surely enjoyed them.
    Did you learn a lot on that cruise?
    Please tell us some of it.

    My brother died last year, so I can imagine
    what you feel about the loss of your aunt.

  • Noreen MacKinnon

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hi Reed:

    Very nice picture’s! It looked like you had a good time.

    I have never been on a cruise for fear of sea sickness. Not exactly my thing for that reason. Maybe, one day I will overcome that and give it a try.

    Take care,


  • normz2

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Nice trip, nice pictures. What kind of a digital camera do you have? Cannon, Nikkon??

  • bet

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Beautiful pictures. Glad you could go on the trip.

  • Percival

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    During your absence, I felt as though there was a dry spell on our community of your blog’s readers. I checked your website everyday, hoping that you were back and had made a post on the blog.

    But your absence has been compensated for when you shared the pictures you took from your trip. It is as though you never really left us at all. You virtually brought us along with you, as these pictures made us experience what you actually did experience there.

    Thank you for keeping all of us in your mind and in your heart.

  • Jeff

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Great pictures Reed, my favorites are of the old fort. Where is that? I love old forts and castles. One of my goals from this online business thing it to be able to visit the ruins of the old family castles in Normandy. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    I am glad you are planning on taking your family with you next year. Maybe your dad will be able to make it too. He’s a great guy.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Mike

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Need to talk with you personally. Would love to get involved in internet marketing, but has so many questions & concerns. It seems no one wants to make themselves available on a personal level in order to validate their business practices.
    Will you contact me?

  • Slavica

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    You made your dreams to come truth,and nice thing about all that,is your will to share fresh impressions with us.If i had a magic staff i should pick to going to a cruise and New Year concert in Wien. I put my desires in public,because i saw someone told his wish,so let’s make this community more amusing.
    If you call us to join you next time we are ready.
    On the other hand you have some nice people here who give you their support if it needed.

  • Lori

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Oh how nice it must have been to get out of this cold MN weather and be where you were. Pictures were great, thanks for sharing! Be sure to do all you need to in order to keep your spirits up despite your loss.

    Loris last blog post..Blogging Goals and Strategies Webcast Recording

  • Janis Pettit

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009


    The cruise is a great idea as a business event. It so relaxing and a great way to boost creative thinking and build relationships.

    It brought back memories from many years ago. Before becoming an entrepreneur I was a professional actor and singer in NYC. I got a job singing on a cruise ship–3 month contract sailing through the Carribean, to South America and through the Panama Canal to Acapulco–over and over. I met my husband who was among 300 cute Italian men who worked on the ship. He was a Maitre’D in the restaurant.

    We were married for 25 years before he passed away from cancer 3 years ago just one month before we hoped to take a cruise to celebrate our 25th anniversary.

    I have lifelong memories of those beautiful months at sea getting paid to do a job I loved and find a husband as well!!!

    I hope you guys had a super time.

  • Al Sinden

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Bet you didn’t miss the snow and cold a bit!

    good pics, Reed, but I’d love to know where some of them were taken.

  • Luca

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hey Reed,

    Good to see you’re back at it. Sometimes keeping busy is the best way.
    Great pics. I hope to start making some money online soon so I can join in on the fun next year.

  • Ann Pevey

    Reply Reply January 22, 2009

    Hi Reed,

    You are quite a good photographer too. I enjoyed your pics.

    So is the next cruise to Belize in Jan 2010? I would like to go as I’ve always wanted to check out Belize! That is on my “to-do” short list.

    I am in the Travel Internet Marketing Niche as well — so I also have to give a “plug” for the cruise industry! 2009 is a great year for cruising (think lower rates and great savings!) so if anyone would like to experience a cruise this year anywhere in the world I can hook you up on the best ships – best itineraries and of course best price! See my site to contact me http://www.vacationsfromhouston.com

    I apologize for the shameless plug — you know we all can’t resist doing it from time to time ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Geoff Dodd

    Reply Reply January 24, 2009

    Reed – nice pics. It looks really tropical. See any pirates of the Caribbean? One named M. ‘Filsaime?’ U huh. I heard he hypnotizes ya. OK talk again soon.

    Geoff Dodd

  • delords

    Reply Reply January 24, 2009

    Good to see you had a wonderful time during the marketers cruise, and hope we will learn more marketing tips you learn from the program.

  • Ron

    Reply Reply January 25, 2009

    A cruise is definitely on my ’09 agenda ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rons last blog post..3 Essential Factors to Consider Before You Submit To Article Directories

  • Geoff Dodd

    Reply Reply January 26, 2009

    Reed, how would you weigh up and compare the cost of the 2009 Marketers Cruise with the expected income benefits? Did people like Mike F. share really doable actions that could explode your bankable income?
    Thanks Reed in anticipation .. drooling.

    Geoff Dodd

    Geoff Dodds last blog post..Find Profitable Google Adwords Keywords

  • Nice writing style. Looking forward to reading more from you

  • Julio R Mattos

    Reply Reply April 8, 2009

    Hey Reed,

    Long time no hear and I hope is well with you.

    Ok, first things first, I am definitely sorry to hear about your aunt. I hope all went well with that and that your family was able to pull through.

    It was great to meet you finally in person and being apart of your list has been interesting over the years.

    I definitely has a great time hanging out with you, Matt and Phil his wife Susie.

    Definitely picked up some info and a lot of connections from the cruise. I look forward to seeing on the next cruise and we will definitely need to have fun and prepare a few things for next fun filled cruise.

    I hope all is well and take care of yourself.

    Best regards,


  • Altis Lo (Beaulife)

    Reply Reply April 15, 2009

    Nice shot, nice scenery. I wish to pick up all the knowledge from you as soon as I could to earn more passive income to enjoy life just like you do now. You are my mentor. Thanks!

    Altis Lo (Beaulife)s last blog post..5 Successful Blogging Tips

  • Hawaiian Cruise

    Reply Reply June 1, 2009

    Those are really nice pictures. When it comes to vacations cruising is the way to go. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hawaiian Cruises last blog post..Health and Safety Concerns while on a Hawaiian Cruise

  • JamesD

    Reply Reply June 11, 2009

    Thanks for the useful info. It’s so interesting

  • Carribean Vacations

    Reply Reply September 30, 2009

    Hi, Reed,

    Sad to hear about your aunt, but appreciate sharing your story and pics. Regards.

  • Tom Harvey

    Reply Reply October 14, 2009

    Is anyone heading on the 2010 cruise?

  • internetwealthlab.com

    Reply Reply November 13, 2009

    Great of you Reed to sharing your experience with us. it gives a touch of your personality

  • norwegian pearl cruises

    Reply Reply December 11, 2009

    I agree with you, cruises are definitely alot of fun and can be relaxing depending on why you are going….thanks for sharing your experience!

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